The Premier Trumpf Power Tool Distributor
Toll Free: 800.319.7944
P.O. Box 257
1508 State Route 60
Vermilion, OH 44089
Toll Free: 800.319.7944
Phone 440.967.9300
Fax 440.967.1301

Bill Via, President

I started my career as a manufacturer’s agent in 1985, promoting chemical and cutting tool products in the Ohio Industrial, Hardware and Contractor Supply channels. As our business and the industry evolved I was fortunate to partner with world class, like minded companies that understood our challenges, together we’re able to carve out a sustainable and profitable market share.

Bill Via


P.O. Box 257
1508 State Route 60
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone 440.967.9300
Cell 440.225.4678
Fax 440.967.1301
